ypSlideOutMenus - Archived Comments (Feb 2004 - Jan 2005)
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2/25/2004 6:11 AM
Can someone show a centered example using more than one trigger - my
javascript knowledge is zero, so not quite sure what is required
Anonymous Coward
3/12/2004 7:58 PM
I've been trying to create a version of ypslideout menu where it is
centered for all browsers and also allows for third-level menus.
Basically where menu items of the slideout have an additional slideout
menu that slides in and out in order. Can someone show me an example?
Or point me in the right direction? Many thanks.
3/18/2004 11:47 AM
I think ypSlideOutMenus are great, but I have had a problem in IE 6 on
windows... if a slideout menu passes over a form element, the form
element shows through the slideout menu.
Are there any fixes available for this? I tried adjusting the stacking order to no avail.
inchhigh - inchhigh.net
3/19/2004 8:54 AM
Form elements in IE are rendered by the system, not browser, they exist
in different space, above the page stacking order. With some
deviations, this goes for all IE browsers PC/Mac. Sorry, i've tried.
iG.STUDiO - www.gerasimenko.com
3/19/2004 12:36 PM
There is a version floating around with sub menus. It was hacked apart
by MiKi of incorrigiblegeek.com. If you e-mail him he will problably
hook you up.
Awesome menus btw Youngpup. Also I am liking version 3 of the site.
anyone know how to set a delay so that your mouse needs to be over the
link for an amount of time before the menu pops out?
Clu Hendrix - http://www.cluhendrix.com
3/20/2004 7:42 PM
There is also a submenu version at
aveda.com. That is usually where I send people.
boogs - youngpup.net
3/22/2004 3:13 PM
Yeah, I hacked it out and made it work for a friend. If you are having
a hard time figuring it out, email me your code and I'll help you out.
I'm busy with other projects, but if I get a chance to straighten out
your code for you, I'm game. Don't expect me to do it all for you,
anyone know how to set a delay so that your mouse needs to be over the
link for an amount of time before the menu pops out?" Check out the js
file (IIRC, I played with this months ago, mind you).
Miki - http://www.incorrigiblegeek.com
3/27/2004 5:18 PM
ah yea //
boogs - youngpup.net
3/29/2004 6:52 AM
I have had a problem in IE 6 on windows... if a slideout menu passes
over a form element, the form element shows through the slideout menu.
Use an Iframe for this to work.
Mahesh - www.guifreaks.com
3/29/2004 7:47 AM
Is it possible to load the menus in an other frame than the buttons?
and is this also for free for commercial sites?
3/29/2004 10:02 AM
Thanks for the responses people. I'll see if I can figure out the submenu.
have another small issue. It is a browser problem. For some reason the
slideout menu doesn't like IE 5 on mac. When I rollover an activator
the slideout menu does not show up. It is only visible if I slideout (a
certain way) and it is already in its down state (where the slideout
has already taken place). So it shows up to only slide back up. Hope
that makes sense.
Does anyone know where I should look at to get this corrected? Any ideas?
3/29/2004 7:31 PM
hey em,
too was recently looking into how to get the menus centered and also
have sub menus.. I looked around but didnt find anything so i took a
crack at it myself... I grabbed the centering code from here and the
submenu code from aveda and merged them and actually got it working..
definately not a programer, I am just a designer with very limited
coding abilities. so there is probably a bunch of mistakes and useless
extra lines.. but it works!! but if any one has any ideas to clean it
up let me know.
the site and code are located here :
www.acclaimtrust.comthanks youngpup! these menus are awesome... i love them! your a genious
was it ok for me to use the code for these site?? i originally found it at simplythebest.net under freeware. i hope so
i also used the menus here :
4/5/2004 6:59 AM
does anyone have a script for ypSlideOutmenu with sublinks i.e like aveda?
4/6/2004 5:19 AM
I stumbled upon your SlideOutMenu more my accident, and I am impressed! I replaced the original Java navigation applet at
www.hmd.lu by your sliding menus, and it's just perfect!
Pascal - http://www.hmd.lu/
4/8/2004 7:53 PM
What's the easiest way to make the sub part transparent? I assume you
can use an image, but is there some js or css property you can set?
Stephen - http://www.ninemilestudio.com
4/8/2004 9:21 PM
There are proprietary properties for windows/IE and for mozilla, but
nothing that will work in browsers like opera, safari, and mac/ie.
if you need support for most modern browsers, the easiest way is to use
the old hack of the background gif that has alternating pixels
If you only care about win/ie and mozilla, then you can get transparency with this simple CSS:
7 |
#myTransparentElement {
/* for mozilla */
/* for win/ie */
Otherwise, if you like pain and you don't need to support
ultra-old NN4.x, you can get most modern browsers to display true
transparency by either using a PNG background in opera, safari, and
mac/ie, or a proprietary CSS tag in mozilla and win/ie. For a
demonstration of this evilness please see the
[a http://youngpup.net/2004/transmenus/project?file=transmenu.css]source.
Search for "backgroundColor" and "backgroundPng".
boogs - http://youngpup.net/
4/8/2004 9:32 PM
prey to my own crappy parsing routines.
boogs - http://youngpup.net/
4/9/2004 3:59 PM
Thank you. That worked perfect.
also for sharing. I will be sure to make a donation soon because now I
am starting to feel guilty for using your stuff AND getting free
4/10/2004 11:04 AM
Where can I find the Script for a menu like this site?
I want a menu exactly like that but I can't find anything in here that
looks like this, expept for this script, but that's not the same tho..
can anyone help me out?
JJ - http://www.dlplp.com
4/15/2004 3:50 AM
http://www.codingforums.com/showthread.php?t=36198i especially like the use of the first name three times
4/15/2004 5:54 PM
- I love this ypslideout stuff, but can't get sub menus to work
properly. Essentially I have it call another menu onmouseover, but
unfortunately the original menu disappears onmouseout and i need it to
under 'Solutions'. From 'Sales Management Executives' I want it to
branch out into another menu... but as you can see the original menu
How do I get it to stay put while you go into the next submenu?
email me with any help/suggestions!
4/15/2004 9:31 PM
Where can I find the Script for a menu like this site? http://www.creedfeed.com
JJ-how about this:
4/15/2004 10:07 PM
Actually, creedfeed (ha ha! i can't type that without laughing) is using a modified (quite nicely i might add) version of
boogs - http://youngpup.net/
4/20/2004 10:41 AM
I am trying to do this cool background fade in and fade out. But I
can't seem to find the right place to put the fade in code. If you want
my code email me.
Djcrazysk8er - http://ferraricolor.mmaweb.net
4/20/2004 12:45 PM
Can you post the relevant code here, or a URL to it? so that more than one person can have a crack at it?
boogs - http://youngpup.net/
4/20/2004 12:56 PM
Here is the link to my Menu.js file. The code I am trying to add in is
calling a function in another JS file. Here is the function call.
setOpacity('ContentLyr', 100);
setOpacity('PageNavLyr', 100);
Djcrazysk8er - http://ferraricolor.mmaweb.net/menus/menus.js
4/22/2004 10:46 AM
Let me clarify. I am trying to run a function when all of the menus are
closed. But for some reason the function gets triggered whenever you
mouse over to another main nav item.
If anyone could shed a little light or an idea to help me out that would be greatly appreciated.
Djcrazysk8er - http://ferraricolor.mmaweb.net
4/22/2004 1:41 PM
creedfeed (ha ha! i can't type that without laughing) is using a
modified (quite nicely i might add) version of transmenus.===============
Hey now... there's nothing wrong with Creed ;) Yes, I'm using the transmenus.
CreedFeed - http://www.creedfeed.com
4/22/2004 7:26 PM
nice menu system!!! Can anybody help me out in modifying it so instead
of the menu sliding back when let go or if someone scrolls on another
button, it just disappears? But it still slides out when rolled over?
4/27/2004 1:37 PM
what happened to the explanantion on the old youngpup site?
there was a pretty useful explaination of what all of the variable stood for... and now it is gone :(
well I might as well ask:
am trying to do a slide out for the bottom nav bar of my site and I
cannot figure out how to get it so that the slide always happens next
to the bottom bar... if the content above extends too far the slider
pops up too high etc.
any thoughts? is there a way to determine
the position of the bottom of the page and then have that dynamically
filled into the positioning values?
4/30/2004 6:47 AM
Prelude: Thanks much, Aaron, for the free release.
I have a question/problem though, which I deserve since I am using your script apart from its original intent.
Instead of each menu folding out on onmouseover, I am using onclick. and an onclick to retract the menu.
the menu wants to retract without a function being called. (for
example: click on the layer and the move the mouse from over it. after
a few moments it retracts.)
sleepless hours. i hope this is senseable.
your spambot-proof code makes me feel all safe and warm inside.
4/30/2004 8:28 AM
right. This site (this menu) desperately needs an FAQ section. I'm
actually surprised anybody was using the documentation on the old site;
you're the first one who has asked what happened to it.
What I hear you saying is that you want the menus to "stick" to the bottom of the screen, no matter how you resize it.
that is so, then the problem is not unlike relative positioning and
centering. There are two examples of how to do this in the
examples section.
see... Your sleepless nights are my fault; I never thoguht about this
use case carefully (I'm not sure I knew what a use case was when I
wrote this code!).
Anyway, there is a bit of code in
ypSlideOutMenus.js which is hardwired to the mouseover/mouseout events.
Check out lines 98 and 99:
fix for what you're trying to do, you'd need to remove/comment those
lines, or lines 80 and 81 if you're using ypSlideOutMenuC.js.
Sorry about that.
boogs - http://youngpup.net/
4/30/2004 8:54 AM
Thanks Tons, Aaron.
I knew I left some sense out somewhere. If anything, your code has spared me a couple extra hours of sleep.
"I have a question/problem though, which I deserve since ..."
I meant I deserved the problem, not the solution.
Thanks again for your help.
4/30/2004 10:45 AM
Thanks very much Boogs-
Yeah I read those FAQs because that is where I was able to figure out what you were doing... :)
learned a lot from those..
learning a lot from the code but those FAQs at least told you what
value meant what and where it was being applied in the code..
for the links to the examples.. So I would guess I should just use the
same thinking behind the centered exmaple and instead of splitting the
value in half just use the height and subtract an offset. But the
question I have is what part of the code actually writes the height to
the CSS? Is there a diff btw the javascript version and the relative
with CSS? Any advantages to either??
thanks again
Anonymous Coward
5/1/2004 12:18 AM
"So I would guess I should just use the same thinking behind the
centered exmaple and instead of splitting the value in half just use
the height and subtract an offset."
exactly :)
"But the question I have is what part of the code actually writes the height to the CSS?"
The writeCSS() function, of course (no, really!) :). The CSS that it
writes out is built up in the constructor, lines ~24-70. But this is
not relevant to your problem; the way the JavaScript works is to modify
the initial position dynamically using DHTML. It doesn't matter what
the CSS says.
" Is there a diff btw the javascript version and the relative with CSS? Any advantages to either??"
the advantages of the CSS version are that it's probably more flexible
and simpler for those who already know CSS well. Plus you don't have to
figure out any custom JavaScript. Finally, the performance will
probably be a little bit better.
The benefit of the JavaScript
approach is that is compatible with all browsers ypSlideOutMenus is,
including Netscape 4.x, while the CSS approach requires a modern
CSS-capable browser.
I think nowadays, most people will go for the CSS approach, but it depends on your target audience, really.
Hope that helps!
boogs - http://youngpup.net/
5/7/2004 3:59 PM
Submenus! Can we please see the code for some simple submenu examples?
Aveda.com is great but trying to pick through their code is true needle
in haystack work.
scanman20 - http://www.notonebit.com
5/7/2004 4:20 PM
Oh and stupid question, what's the difference between ypSlideOutMenusC.js and ypSlideOutMenus.js?
scanman20 - http://www.notonebit.com
5/7/2004 4:53 PM
Often times, I create compressed versions of javascript files by removing whitespace. This can easily halve their weight.
convention, I append "C" to the names of these files. There is no
functional difference, it's just that one is easier to read.
for submenus, they aren't officially supported. Happily, some people
have hacked the code to make it work, but I've not picked through it
either. If you want to use submenus, look at
transmenus or any of the zillions of other DHTML menu systems on the net.
boogs - http://youngpup.net/
5/11/2004 10:51 PM
The menus I'm trying to impliment for a site are going to be completely
dynamic from a DB, so setting the height of of the menus is a problem.
Is there any way to work around this so that I don't just have to set
the height way to high so that
5/13/2004 4:03 PM
Can anyone tell me how to use images for the parent div / table?? What I want to do is have the CSS tricked out version (
with my parent menu (ideas, experiments, components, & writings) as
images stacked vertically, then have dynamically added text menu items
(from a database) flyout to the right of those images. However, I
cannot get the images to make the flyout work correctly. The images are
in a table.
Many thanks!
5/20/2004 9:03 AM
Hi all
Great work!!
I have a question, I'm doing this site
http://www.bearsyouth.org they are using macs and say the menus arent closing when you rollout , also some of the text is outside the menu box...
Im totally lost as to what ive done wrong, any ideas:)
Dom - http://www.bearsyouth.org
5/20/2004 11:36 PM
Is there a way to set the slide out menu to 100% screen width?
I'm thinking something like this:
5/22/2004 3:00 AM
Hey All...I need help big time. I'm a newbie and I can't seem to get my
menu to "flatten out/mesh" The layers are all visible. Anyone willing
to take a look at my code? Thanks a bunch.
5/25/2004 1:32 PM
I'm trying to put a slideout menu on my company's website. It's kinda
silly that they ask me to do it since I have never worked on a website
before. Itried to do it but keeps on getting an error message that says
"ypSlideOutMenu is undefined" I have no idea what's going on. Can
someone help?
5/26/2004 9:05 PM
Love the javascript relative positioning!
one wee problem with it - it works fine, so long as the page is not
wider than the browser window. If this happens, scrollbars appear in
the window, which means the center of the browser is no longer the
center of the page. Which means the offset of my menu, which is
relative to browser center, is wrong, and no longer lines up with the
page properly.
To fix this, I simply put in a cap. I know my
page width will not be less than 750px wide. So I tell the script that
if my browser window is less than 750px, it should use 750px anyway...
7 |
function getWindowWidth()
BrowserWidth = window.innerWidth ? window.innerWidth : document.body.offsetWidth;
return (BrowserWidth < 750 ) ? 750 : BrowserWidth;
6/4/2004 5:54 AM
Appears to work flawlessly under konq & Moz 1.5 running under debian. Great work YP.
6/8/2004 8:51 PM
in xhtml, i get a script error on ie5 on mac
this is my header.
it works fine with
1 |
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" >
the king
6/9/2004 12:17 PM
Is there a version that has multiple (tree) type menus? Looking for
category, sub-cat type drop-down tree menu structure. This would be a
separate menu area for each subsequent cat.
6/11/2004 9:34 AM
I did this popup-menu (
with Dreamweaver, but it is very heavy and slow...I would prefer the
script from Youngpup, but the example menus I tried uit don't slide
uit. Maybe because i am putting the script into Dreamweaver? Or because
I have a Mac OSX?
I hope somebody can help me. Thanks a lot :)
Ulla - http://www.r-reizen.nl
6/11/2004 4:02 PM
Hey all.
checking back to see if anyone has had a problem with their menu system
not working properly on ie 5 mac. (see my post above)
If you
roll over the menu, it doesn't show up. Or shows up if you roll out a
certain way, but only shows the menu retracting. Weird. Works perfectly
fine on Safari.
If someone could point me to an area within the code that I should be focusing on to find a solution, I'd really appreciate it.
I have the doctype set to loose and the page is centered, but not using youngpup's center example.
Many thanks.
6/11/2004 4:41 PM
Heya did you see the kings post a bit further up, this sorted my issues with ie on mac
I had the incorrect doctype
6/11/2004 6:00 PM
Hey Dom,
Yeah I tried a bunch of different doctypes. What type of problems did you have with ie 5 on mac?
Thanks for the suggestion. I appreciate it.
Any others? Thanks.
6/11/2004 7:44 PM
The prob i had was that the menu wasnt closing on rolloff
i replaced the doc type with this one
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" >
everything seemed to work fine after that.
6/16/2004 3:03 PM
i've gotten basic submenus to work, but i'm stuck with one of the tricks used on the
www.aveda.com site. specifically, what part of the menu declaration makes the whole menu item act as a link instead of just the text?
understand that they are putting the menu items in div tags to make
them, and its simple to get the submenu to stay out by putting the
functions in the div tag instead of the anchor tag.
matt - www.trinitybiblecollege.edu
6/17/2004 1:07 AM
Don't suppose any of you fine people could explain to me how I cango
about triggering TWO menus activating w/ single link, could you? I've
tried simply pasting a second call to the function, like so:
onmouseover="ypSlideOutMenu.showMenu('menu1'); ypSlideOutMenu.showMenu('menu2');"
but it don't like that! They both open but one closes right away while 2 remains open...
FanTASTIC script, btw!
almighty wannabe
6/18/2004 12:09 AM
19 |
ypSlideOutMenu.showMenu = function(id)
var reg = ypSlideOutMenu.Registry
var obj = ypSlideOutMenu.Registry[id]
if (obj.container) {
obj.over = true
//for (menu in reg) if (id != menu) ypSlideOutMenu.hide(menu)
//if (obj.hideTimer) { reg[id].hideTimer = window.clearTimeout(reg[id].hideTimer) }
if (!obj.open && !obj.aniTimer) reg[id].startSlide(true)
ypSlideOutMenu.hideMenu = function(id)
var obj = ypSlideOutMenu.Registry[id]
if (obj.container) {
if (obj.hideTimer) window.clearTimeout(obj.hideTimer)
//obj.hideTimer = window.setTimeout("ypSlideOutMenu.hide('" + id + "')", ypSlideOutMenu.hideDelay);
This is just quick and ugly, but somewhat answers the above
question - I just glanced at the simple example, find that in
ypSlideOutMenusC.js and comment out the three lines,
then use
10 |
<table bgcolor="#CCCCCC" width="450" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<td width="50" align="center" class="menuActuator"><a href="#" onmouseover="ypSlideOutMenu.hideAll();ypSlideOutMenu.showMenu('menu1');ypSlideOutMenu.showMenu('menu2');" onmouseout="ypSlideOutMenu.hideMenu('menu1')">menu1</a></td>
<td width="50" align="center" class="menuActuator"><a href="#" onmouseover="ypSlideOutMenu.hideAll();ypSlideOutMenu.showMenu('menu2')" onmouseout="ypSlideOutMenu.hideMenu('menu2')">menu2</a></td>
<td width="50" align="center" class="menuActuator"><a href="#" onmouseover="ypSlideOutMenu.hideAll();ypSlideOutMenu.showMenu('menu3')" onmouseout="ypSlideOutMenu.hideMenu('menu3')">menu3</a></td>
<td width="50" align="center" class="menuActuator"><a href="#" onmouseover="ypSlideOutMenu.hideAll();ypSlideOutMenu.showMenu('menu4')" onmouseout="ypSlideOutMenu.hideMenu('menu4')">menu4</a></td>
<td width="200" align="left" class="menuActuator"><a href="#" onmouseover="ypSlideOutMenu.hideAll()">hide 'em all</a></td>
<td width="100"> </td>
In place of the current top table direcly under the body tag in simple/index.html
problem is that they do not go away automatically - I would think you
would be better off just writting something from scratch, based on his
code so you could have multiple menus open at once, but not have them
slide away if you are not hovering over them (since it is rather hard
to hover over two at a time)
Zach - http://fantasysportswire.com
6/20/2004 1:29 PM
Does anyone have any ideas about making the menu appear already rolled
out when the page loads, then rolling back in after mouseout as usual?
What I'm trying to do is maintain the state of the menu from page to
page. See my site for an example of the issue.
Justin - http://chromogenic.net/
6/23/2004 12:14 PM
there is a slight difference in the way the menus are rendered, they
seem to be pushed to the right 5-10 pixels when viewed in
mozilla/firefox. i'm guessing that this is probably a problem with
something that i'm doing rather than YoungPup's script. could anyone
give me a clue?
matt - www.trinitybiblecollege.edu
6/24/2004 1:46 AM
I have put these menus on a site and they stick open in safari when you
quickly mouse over all the menus. Does anyone know the solution to this
the king - www.killapenguin.com
6/25/2004 2:35 PM
Hey, I am trying to I suppose add in a new feature for myself yet am having trouble and cannot figure why.
I am doing is trying to write a script to automatically find all the
menu divs in the page and, well, make menus out of them. The problem
isn't where you would expect: the menus generate fine but then the
script errors out when it hits the writeCSS() call. Like I said it
makes no sense to me.
My mess looks something like this:
44 |
// this is called from body element -> onload="doOnLoad()"
function doOnLoad()
var DIR = "right"; // Menu opening direction
var LEFT = 171; // Menu indent
var TOP = 0; // Menu vertical position
var WIDTH = 200; // Width of Menu
var HEIGHT = 24; // Height of each Item on Submenus
// Get all DIV elements
var allDiv = document.getElementsByTagName('div');
// This holds script for YP menu building
var menuBuildScript = "var menus = [";
for(var i=0; i<allDiv.length; i++)
if(allDiv[i].className == "menuActuator")
// Get menu ID
var menuID = allDiv[i].getAttribute("menuID");
// Get number of menu entries
// Use this to figure menu height based on item size.
var adjHeight = HEIGHT * allDiv[i].getAttribute("menuItems");
// Append this menu to our script
menuBuildScript += "new ypSlideOutMenu(\"" + menuID + "\", \"" + DIR + "\", " + LEFT + ", " + TOP + ", " + WIDTH + ", " + adjHeight + "), \n";
// Remove last comma & whitespace from script
menuBuildScript = menuBuildScript.substr(0,menuBuildScript.length-3);
menuBuildScript += "]";
// Run script to build menus
// Error in this function ---
Of course I have modified my HTML to include the two custom attributes used, IE
1 |
<div class="menuActuator" menuID="menu1" menuItems="6">
The error causes the page to disappear completely as soon as it
calls writeCSS. No error is given in IE, mozilla says ypSlideOutMenu is
not defined (in it's reference from the for loop declaration.)
Everything of course runs fine when the menus are generated normally,
and this script generates the EXACT same code to eval yet when we call
writeCSS after this way it errors whereas normally, well, it works. Any
Also, I forgot to mention right away, these menus are
excellent, they really make things look good, thanks very much for
releasing them!
6/25/2004 3:23 PM
Please disregard that last post, I worked around it. I ended up
changing writeCSS so instead of outputting it to the document it
accesses each element via document.getElementById and change the style
attributes from there.
It works wonderfully now, thanks again for the script its awesome.
6/27/2004 2:41 PM
I'm using an old version of the ypslideoutmenusc.js on this
and I finally decided to update to the newer version. The site's
navigation is using submenus so decided to opt for the modified script
from AVEDA. I could use transmenus.js but it is too tricky for me and
weights more than 30k. I adapted the aveda script and all worked fine
in the MS Explorer.
I then changed to Firefox, my favorite
browser, only to find out that the menus ware not working correctly.
They had lost their nice motion effect.
After several tries, I found out that the problem had to do with the
declaration. To cope with the notorious IE box model rendering, I had added
which, for some obscure reason, was creating this problem in Firefox. I
deleted it and everything was o.k. I then added the iframes that the
original page had and noticed that the menus remained open even if the
pointer was far away from the menus. The only way to close them was to
roll the mouse outside the iframe area.
Since I’m not a
coder, I decided to follow a
approach in trying to resolve this problem. I added a transparent div
underneath the menu and over the iframe, covering almost all its width
and height. I also added two lines in the script, at showmenu and
hidemenu functions to change the visibility of the transparent div.
Of course there must be more appropriate solutions but this worked in
my case.
theos - http://www.rodi.it/menutest.asp
6/28/2004 8:03 PM
How can I stop the e-mail notifications of replies of posts to this ???
6/29/2004 12:09 AM
IE seems to be using a different position for the menu than other browsers at the following page:
modified the menu positions to work write in IE but this obviously
throws everything else off in all other browsers. What could be causing
the difference?
Any help appreciated.
MastaM00 -
7/14/2004 6:40 AM
i love the script
but also find that the javascript centering method positions slightly different on macintosh safari & ie
and also in firefox.
Is there a simple fiox for this?
initiating a browser detector (albeit with my limited designerish programming skills) is proving buggy as hell.
this is about the only time in my life i wish my client wasn't using a mac and wasnt using firefox on his home pc
programmed the site's initial template at home on my pc; looked great
in ie but on my mac at work its about 12px out; it also happens in
windows firefox.
has anyone developed a fix for this small but rather quirky issue?
karl - www.fire.ie
7/14/2004 9:03 AM
is this an IE box model issue?
karl - www.fire.ie
7/14/2004 3:47 PM
my animations make in Macromedia Flash MX 2004 thats over the menus, how can fix this?, Many thanks.
7/14/2004 5:11 PM
In Safari my menus positioned fine, but in IE they were 10-15 px off. I
found a solution that worked (for me anyways), which is to position the
DIVs containing the menu items as "relative".
to help good old IE position your menu itemscorrectly, the key is to
include the "position:relative" declaration in your DIV tag for each
menu item in your HTML (as this does not seem to work when only
included in the CSS).
<div id="menu4Content" class="menu" style="position:relative;">
vibe9 - www.ontopbikeshop.com/about
7/15/2004 4:32 AM
damn that doesnt work here:
http://www.fire.ie/dropbut thanks for the help
karl - www.fire.ie
7/15/2004 4:41 AM
Menu adds scrollbars even though the menu fits on the page. Any ideas?
7/15/2004 7:20 AM
at a guess make a style with overflow hidden for a div?
karl - www.fire.ie
7/16/2004 3:38 PM
is there a way to center the menu with only css and not tables?
Anonymous Coward
7/16/2004 4:00 PM
I am close to finishing Peoriainfo.com with lots-o-YP integration in
the navigation. The home page is pretty optimized, only with the help
of Young Pup. The design is cool and stuff. Check it out
Trality - http://www.peoriainfo.com
7/16/2004 4:23 PM
Sorry but I don't understand. The example you provide above still uses
a table for the top level items. I'm assuming this is necessary for the
centering to work?
Anonymous Coward
7/16/2004 4:45 PM
No, not at all. That happens to be the way that it's centered in that example, but it's irrelevant.
important point is to make a block-level container (such as a TD or a
DIV) position:relative and then put the menus inside *that*.
container itself can be centered any way you want, or in fact
positioned anywhere with any mechanism you want. The menus will happy
live inside there and position themselves relative to it.
for the confusion. I didn't actually look at the code in that example
before I sent it, and remembered it being CSS-based. The concept is
exactly the same, though.
7/16/2004 4:47 PM
So for example, this should work:
10 |
<div style="text-align:center;">
<div style="margin:0 auto; width:100px;">
<div id="myMenuContainer">
<div id="myMenuContent">
7/17/2004 3:47 AM
A qucky: Is it possible to launch the dropdownmenus in a different frame than the actual menubar?
7/17/2004 3:55 PM
I need this for a site that I am doing called PeoriaInfo.com. I need to manage a menu containing many items.
7/18/2004 6:03 PM
Just went through the refer logs, and saw that it was there so I wanted to just say two things on it.
(mine is the one at
rest of my entire project there lost Moz somewhere - so at the moment
its IE only (will figure out where I lost Moz sooner or later,
impossible for that to work in Opera as written) - and I said they work
on mouseover, discovered that was dumb and it works on click now (the
ypslideout is used when you click a letter or position on top)
if you are expecting or looking for a menu, you wont find it, well,
unless you are looking for a very very big menu :) - It is a good
example of taking one very nicely written component that had a thought
of use, and using it for something completely different.
Zach - http://sportsforum.ws
7/23/2004 2:28 AM
on one of my bigger submenus, theres 27 cells but it will only display the top 25. Any idea why?
Anonymous Coward
7/23/2004 5:17 AM
Is there a way to make the menu slide out when you run over a cell and not a pic?
Anonymous Coward
7/23/2004 6:06 AM
Yeah, it's really the same concept. Just move the onmouseover up into the cell declaration. eg:
3 |
<td onmouseover="ypSlideOutMenu.showMenu(....)">
7/23/2004 4:51 PM
Did anybody found problems using ypSlideOutMenus with IE 6.0.3790.0
(the one distributed with W2003 server and probably with the next Xp
You cannot really use the menu functionality becouse all the menu choiches are printed above the menu line.
Using IE 6.0.2800.1106 all is working fine.
I am not an expert in Javascript so I will thanks very much if somebody could find a solution.
(see ypSlideOutMenus at
www.promarzio.com )
Silvano - www.promarzio.com
7/25/2004 1:31 PM
I'm getting a damn js error in the status bar only on IE6, which says
3 |
'line 20,
char 3,
object doesn't support this property or method'.
The line in question is this:
ypSlideOutMenu.writeCSS();Its really annoying, I'm using the exact same code as shown in the 'css-menus' example.
Anyone know what's going on?
Mambo - www.mambogani.com
7/25/2004 4:06 PM
Sounds like you have an old version of the menu code from before that
method was added. Please download the latest from this site and replace
the one you're using.
Verify that you have the correct version by searching the source for ".writeCSS".
7/25/2004 6:32 PM
Thanks! I had downloaded the zip file... I think you need to update this as the ypSlideOutMenusC.js file is the old one...
got the correct file now.
Mambo - www.mambogani.com
7/29/2004 12:51 AM
Hello there ... I have downloaded the latest version on the menu...
I have Rollover Images in each drop down instead of plain text .. Works perfectly in IE ..
But the Rollover Image doesn't show in NS 4.7 ...
Any Help Please ..
kicha - --
7/29/2004 8:44 AM
I'm getting a JavaScript error only on IE6 and only on one page. I
cannot seem to find any differences between this page and any prior
work I've done with the ypSlideOutMenus.
a mouseover event is fired for the link, I get a javascript error
stating that the Object does not support this property or method.
19 |
ypSlideOutMenu.showMenu = function(id)
var reg = ypSlideOutMenu.Registry
var obj = ypSlideOutMenu.Registry[id]
if (obj.container) {
obj.over = true
for (menu in reg) if (id != menu) ypSlideOutMenu.hide(menu)
if (obj.hideTimer) { reg[id].hideTimer = window.clearTimeout(reg[id].hideTimer) }
if (!obj.open && !obj.aniTimer) reg[id].startSlide(true)
Here is how the menus are being created
6 |
<script language="javascript">
var oneMenu = new ypSlideOutMenu("first", "down", 20, 140, 160, 65);
var twoMenu = new ypSlideOutMenu("second", "down", 70, 140, 160, 165);
var threeMenu = new ypSlideOutMenu("third", "down", 140, 140, 160, 165);
And here is the menu source:
32 |
<div id="firstContainer">
<div id="firstContent" class="menu">
<div class="options">
<a href="#">Item 1</a>
<a href="#">Item 2</a>
<div id="secondContainer">
<div id="secondContent" class="menu">
<div class="options">
<a href="#">Item 1</a>
<a href="#">Item 2</a>
<a href="#">Item 3</a>
<a href="#">Item 4</a>
<a href="#">Item 5</a>
<a href="#">Item 6</a>
<div id="thirdContainer">
<div id="thirdContent" class="menu">
<div class="options">
<a href="#">Item 1</a>
<a href="#">Item 2</a>
<a href="#">Item 3</a>
<a href="#">Item 4</a>
Thanks for any help I might receive on this.
jeremiah - http://www.facility9.com
7/29/2004 8:46 AM
Apparently, you cannot enclose your main menu in a div with an id of
'menu'. Once I changed that, everything worked. Sorry for wasting your
bandwidth, Aaron.
jeremiah - http://www.facility9.com
7/29/2004 12:54 PM
Has anyone come up with a solution to this post:
i've gotten basic submenus to work, but i'm stuck with one of the tricks used on the
www.aveda.com site. specifically, what part of the menu declaration makes the whole menu item act as a link instead of just the text?
understand that they are putting the menu items in div tags to make
them, and its simple to get the submenu to stay out by putting the
onMouseOver() and onMouseOut() functions in the div tag instead of the
anchor tag.
I've got the same question.
Thanks Monte
Monte - http://www.pixelsanddots.com
7/31/2004 4:22 PM
I'm trying to use the JS method for making the menus relative to
center. When the browser is a certain widths the drop downs are off by
1px. I assume this is a rounding thing. Is there anyway to keep this
from happening? Solutions need to be netscape 4.x compatible. Thanks in
advance for any advice.
Jon - http://www.jonlesser.org
8/2/2004 7:20 PM
I need help. I'm not a novice programmer, but I can't for the life of me figure this out.
working on a jewelry web site and want two slide-out menus to come out
at once in different parts of the screen: one containing the jewelry
picture, and the other its description.
Does anybody know how to do this? What code mods would I need to make?
DgrMstr - www.redseven3.com
8/3/2004 11:22 AM
Sorry for the duplicate message. I realized I titled the last one incorrectly.
I need help. I'm not a novice programmer, but I can't for the life of me figure this out.
working on a jewelry web site and want two slide-out menus to come out
at once in different parts of the screen: one containing the jewelry
picture, and the other its description.
Does anybody know how to do this? What code mods would I need to make?
DgrMstr - www.redseven3.com
8/3/2004 4:31 PM
Any way to delay the intial rollout other than putting a
setTimeout in the onmouseover?
i have 10 of em and it seems silly to put the delay in 10 times.
seesm like around this line in the code
reg[id].startSlide(true) you should be able to put a settimeout but i can't seem to get everything to evaluate properly.
for eample
doesn't work
8/3/2004 4:38 PM
That's not working because the reference to "reg" is lost when you go to global scope once the timeout triggers.
Luckily, reg is just a shortcut to the full variable name: ypSlideOutMenu.registry, so you should be able to do:
window.setTimeout("ypSlideOutMenu.registry['" + id + "'].startSlide(true)");
That should work.
8/4/2004 12:02 PM
I noticed that Firefox 0.9.2 gives an error with ypSlideoutMenusC when
using the built in JavaScript console. This is an example using your
Error: syntax error
Source File: javascript:
http://www.youngpup.net/_projectDirectories/ypSlideOutMenus/simple/index.htmlLine: 1, Column: 77
Source Code:
also noticed that it causes one of my scripts not to work in Firefox
only. The script that doesn't work is an expand/collaspe script. Could
this be caused by the error?
Anonymous Coward
8/4/2004 1:47 PM
Just a heads up, the zip that's available on the project page is not
the latest version of the script (with the writeCSS modification).
Shaun Inman - http://www.shauninman.com
8/6/2004 9:00 AM
I want to make menus using CSS and ULs and also utilize ypSlideOutMenu.
Here's a site that seems to use SlideOut in this manner:
http://www.shockmedia.com.au/Here's some menu code:
<ul id="nav">
<li id="menu1Container"><span><a href="#" title="Home"
id="menu2Container"><span><a href="#" title="Corporate
Profile" accesskey="1">Corporate Profile</a></span>
<ul id="menu2Content">
<li><span><a href="#" title="Overview">Overview</a></span></li>
<li><span><a href="#" title="Services">Services</a></span></li>
<li><span><a href="#" title="Clients">Clients</a></span></li>
<li><span><a href="#" title="Case Studies">Case Studies</a></span></li>
<li><span><a href="#" title="News and Accolades">News and Accolades</a></span></li>
<li><span><a href="#">Contact Details</a></span></li>
Any ideas on what the CSS would look like and how to accomplish this?
Thanks ...
TS - www.BetterConnect.com
8/9/2004 5:27 PM
Hi Aaron.
I think I read somewhere that this is one of those "can't do anything about it" problems, but I thought I would ask to be sure.
Certain form fields seem to poke right through the drop down menus, which is not pretty. Do you know any fixes?
figured I might assign a "show/hide" on the form fields on mouse over,
but the page is already choking from the menu code because it generates
a lot of dynamic junk from the modifications.
Here is the page:
http://gaults.vkistudios.net/The fields in question are on the 2nd tab titled "advanced search".
Stephen - http://www.ninemilestudio.com
8/9/2004 6:07 PM
the thing about the form fields was true until recently. There has been
some work on the transmenus thread to adopt a technique that uses an
iframe to force menus to display on top of input boxes.
Check out the posts near here:
http://youngpup.net//2004/transmenus/comments#c610Nobody has yet adopted this to ypSlideOutsMenus.
8/11/2004 9:29 AM
Just thought I would try one more time ... Any comments on CSS Menu With ULs above?
I appreciate your time. :-)
Thanks ...
8/11/2004 11:48 AM
Yeah, absolutely. Take a look at that script. In general, these days I
would always favor structured HTML with a behavior layer on top.
please keep in mind that this is an ancient script. Written well before
anything with structured HTML was even possible. It's NN4-compatible
for god's sake.
I only keep it online because lots of people still ask about it.
8/12/2004 12:33 AM
Help !! Can anybody show me how to open a menu using
onLoad within the
body tag? This is my code right now. Obvously something's not right.
3 |
<body class="menuActuator"
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
DgrMstr - www.redseven3.com
8/12/2004 12:39 AM
Oh yeah, that won't work because the menus actually load a 10th of a second or so *after* the page loads.
So the easy way to fix this is:
onload="window.setTimeout('ypSlideOutMenus.showMenu(\'menu97\')', 200)"
slightly better way would be to change the code in the script file at
the end of the .load() function. The last line (inside the else { }
clause) would be the call:
8/12/2004 2:19 AM
that was it. It worked like a charm. I opted to go with the first solution.
Thanks a million!
DgrMstr - www.redseven3.com
8/12/2004 5:16 PM
Hey really really excellent menu script this, I'm using it in biut of a
different way than I've seen I'll come back and show y'all when it's
published :oD
I've set up 2nd level submenus no problem, but I want the parent menu
(1st level menu) to stay open when the 2nd level menu is open. Every
menu just closes itself as soon as another is opened. Pleeeeeeeease how
do I stop it doing that? I should mention the menus execute onclick in
my version.
Try and explain as if I was very simple, I'm a real novice with javascript but I'm learning a lot from this script.
Thank you in advance for your help, I'm putting a link back to you on my FAQ page :oD
8/12/2004 5:36 PM
Easiest thing to do is just look at the code in use at
aveda.com, since they have already accomplished this.
8/13/2004 11:48 AM
Thanks boogs, I've decided to leave my menu as it is rather than the
aveda approach, since my menus fold out over each other in the same
position. So I have a much simpler question for someone, anyone, if it
isn't too cheeky to ask two things.
am using onclick to show/hide the menus, but I want to disable this
function for some links but not others. i.e. you click on link1 and it
loads a page but the menu doesnt hide. You click on link2 and it does
hide. I can only disable all or none, I'm sure it's possible and I'm
just being a dunce.
Hugs and kisses to anyone who can help me out
8/15/2004 12:50 AM
this might be stupid. actually, this is probably stupid... but...
what's the best way to move the data for the contents of the drop-downs
into an external file? does it ahve to be done with an include or is
there a nice platform-independent way to put that stuff in the
Anonymous Coward
8/15/2004 8:18 PM
Since the "data" is just plain-old HTML, you're left with all the
options you usually have wit HTML -- document.write( ) with javascript
(not recommended!), or server-side include files.
I don't know of any better way off hand.
8/16/2004 1:53 PM
+ '<a href="#" >Brochures</a> '
inside this type of link, how can you link
onMouseOver="ypSlideOutMenu.showMenu('menu0')" onMouseOut="ypSlideOutMenu.hideMenu('menu0')"
8/18/2004 3:59 AM
You can ask here
jsp hosting PROKMU. They can surely can solve this problem
DuFunk - http://www.prokmu.com
8/18/2004 6:52 AM
Hi, this mu is great!
But the images on preload don't works..
look my example:
http://tfh.interfree.it/Home.htmany suggestion?
Shrike - http://tfh.rules.it
8/18/2004 7:08 AM
I need to build a two level menu that not only lists the top level horizontally, but also the second level.
needs to be a row of top level items (like ypslideout now) then on
mouseover ideally i'd like a row of sub items to slide in from the
righthand side just below.
Anyone know if ypslideoutmenus could be adapted to this or know of a similar product that can do this?
8/18/2004 5:03 PM
If you increase the height too much in this piece of code:
new ypSlideOutMenu("computercases1", "right", 155, yPosition - 108, 160, 600)
It starts to increase the height of the web page and makes scroll bars. How can I fix that?
Divine - pcextreme.biz
8/19/2004 11:51 AM
cool idea...
ypSlideOuts with the aveda multi-level extensions can easily be adapted to this.
horizontal is no problem at all since ypSlideOuts is totally agnostic
as to the content of each menu. The multi-level part has been covered
by many on this thread.
should only be making scrollbars if the top position of the menu + the
height of the menu is greater than the height of the document.
This means that there would be scrollbars no matter what since the menu goes off the page.
Perhaps you are making the menu unnecessarily tall? 600 seems a little much.
you specifically want the menu you to be that tall, but don't want
scrollbars, you could always supress them with the following CSS:
5 |
<style type="text/css">
body {
... but that will supress them even if necessary for the content. I think your best bet is to rethink that 600 for the height.
8/19/2004 1:19 PM
So I have been using the cool slide under for our new top nav but it
drops down too far on every browser on my Mac ... any fixes for this?
It looks great on my PC.
any help will be appreciated.
Here is a page:
http://www.gate1travel.com/italy-travel/Here is the actual file for topnav:
bjcook - www.gate1travel.com
8/19/2004 6:18 PM
I've developed a site using the menus, however for some reason the menu
code appears as alt tag information if the cursor is held over the menu
a few seconds. I'm desperate to fix this, can anyone kindly provide
some ideas?
The site is at
8/19/2004 6:47 PM
You need to delete the title part of code. For instance
onmouseout=ypSlideOutMenu.hideMenu('menu1')" It's easy to work out.
I was just coming back to plug my first site, the first draft is here
http://tigershark.unitedhosting.co.uk/~red-tyger.com (
www.red-tyger.com in a few days) and show y'all how I used to menu a little differently although I only have it aligned in IE so far.
keeps throwing up a 'menus is not defined' error and I can't for the
life of me work out why? Except for the message it functions as it
SP - www.red-tyger.com
8/27/2004 2:25 PM
I'm trying to use the example of javascript positioning to make my menu
position itself, but instead of changing position it simply doesn't
work anymore when I try to define menu.onactivate.
there a part of the HTML that I could add the onactivate attribute to,
instead of making it a variable in js and trying to assign it?
Pete - www.blizzlink.com
8/27/2004 6:52 PM
I installed the ypSlideOutMenu script, and it works fine, but it's off several pixels in firefox, it works perfect in ie.
I've spent hours trying to figure it out.
I'm willing to pay 10 dollars paypal or if you'd rather have a gmail account, I have an invite left.
email me at everyusernameisgone AT yahoo dot com
8/29/2004 5:39 PM
I really can't get it to work: Centering with div's instead of a table.
Anonymous Coward
9/2/2004 10:53 AM
have added this menu to a php page but all of my submenus are now
cropped at exactly the half way point. So if the width is set to 150
pixels the submenu will only show the first 75 px. Each submenu across
the board is cropped at 75 px. The left positioning is correct but I
only get half the submenu.
9/2/2004 11:20 AM
Hello All:
Normal use of the ypSlideOutMenu script has sliders come in from the defined place: top, bottom, left, or right.
What I'm wondering is if there's a way to make a slider come in say from the left and then leave towards the right?
Any thoughts on how I might accomplish this.
9/3/2004 9:20 PM
At first, congrats for this nice js piece. :)
I'm currently merging ypslidemenu in my CMS.
I've added an enhanced admin panel where I can add links, change layout, save configs etc...
With 1 to 27 submenus, no problem !
From 28 submenus, css is no more used and menu looks bad of course, but the menu works !???
If someone has an idea where I have to search... It makes me crazy.
can send you html source code if required or install it on my server to
show you the problem (only local PC actually, but problem exists on
prod server too)
Thanks a lot
Lolo Irie - http://etalkers.org
9/8/2004 2:09 PM
anybody have an example of image buttons being used that stay highlighted when you roll off of them into the menu items?
did that make any sense :D
nimmot - baseboard.net
9/9/2004 6:24 PM
I've created a menu based on the CSS example.
works dandy on IE6 but I can't seem to get the menu to go on top of the
IFRAME image on any other type of brower (Opera 7 for example).
Could anyone give me any tips? The website can be found below...
Graham Orford - cgi.gorford.plus.com/atlas.php
9/10/2004 8:07 AM
Looking to make the navigation menu stay in a specific location. At
this time it moves depending on the size and resolution of the browser.
I need it to stay right under the G in the word Golf Course within the
navigation menu.
could really use a detailed response. Telling me to use CSS will not
help me, unless of course you can tell me what to add and where. Much
appreciation. I really need this done asap. So please throw me a
Kind regards,
Gravity - http://www.highpointccgolf.com/index.php
9/10/2004 8:41 AM
Gravity Here,
anyone is interested I have a gmail invite to the person that gets this
resolved the fastest. If they want it. I just really need to get this
fixed. It's bothering me ;)
Kind regards,
gravity - http://www.highpointccgolf.com/index.php
9/10/2004 10:45 AM
Well I could be wrong here, but when I want to move a menu I look for the following line...
new ypSlideOutMenu("menu1", "down", 12, 40, 180, 100),
number 12 (in this example) is the number of pixels from the left that
the drop down menu starts. I think the second is the distance from the
top, then it's the width of length of the menu itself.
Apologies if I'm misreading the problem.
Graham Orford
9/10/2004 11:56 AM
problem is that using those variables make the drop down be in a
certain location based on your browser size and so forth. If you
maximize the screen the drop down can be way off the main site area..
and when you downsize it can be under the accomodations instead of
under Golf.
I need it to stay under the Golf Nav Option .. always .. no matter what resolution or size of the browser.
Kind regards,
gravity - http://www.highpointccgolf.com/index.php
9/11/2004 5:20 AM
I'm not sure what you mean about screens being maximised. The top left corner is always the top left corner.
I do get what you mean about resolutions. I've solved this by creating
a different set of divs for each resolution I wanted to support (in my
case 640, 800, and 1024 widths). The menus themselves can be shared so
no duplication of the meny content is needed.
My menus even resize themselves if you change resolution once the page has been loaded. Check out my demo below.
Hope it helps.
Graham Orford - cgi.gorford.plus.com/atlas.php
9/12/2004 3:25 AM
Did that work for you ? new ypSlideOutMenu("menu1", "down", 12, 40, 180, 100),
Mike - http://www.prokmu.com
9/12/2004 2:35 PM
I've implemented this successfully now on
http://www.mackinawcity.com/ and
http://www.loghomes.org/Thanks a bunch!
junjun - http://www.domedia.org/
9/13/2004 7:38 AM
Based on what I read above, I put this in my body tag:
onload="window.setTimeout('ypSlideOutMenus.showMenu(\'menu2\')', 200)"
hope was that this would allow somebody to mouseover the menus for a
short period without triggering the vertical cascade down of the
The problem I need to solve is that when a user just
travels across the menus with their cursor, without wanting to see the
submenus come down, the menus come down. I'd like it if they needed to
stay on the menu for a second or two in order to see the submenus and
if they don't stay for a second or two, then nothing happens.
help would be appreciated. Unfortunately, I'm not that adept at
programming, so if you can spell it out like you'd spell it out to your
grandfather, that'd be great.
hardworker - www.walkersands.com/lifewatch/web_stage
9/14/2004 1:12 PM
which is ultimately more cross-browser friendly...
transmenus or ypSlideOutMenus???
9/19/2004 6:41 PM
Hi, guys.
not a coder and don't pretend to be one, but if a script isn't too
complex, I can usually do simple customizations. But I'm having trouble
with ypSlideOutMenus, namely, where to start. Can't seem to find any
instructions with the script. :/
Can someone give me a push in
the right direction? If I just want to customize the links and how they
display on my page (a horizontal menu), what files do I need to revise?
What lines am I looking for?
Thanks for your help.
9/23/2004 10:11 PM
How can this menu script be used to create a context (right-click) menu?
9/28/2004 4:02 PM
I take it there's no solution to the "Delay" post above. More likely, nobody has time to help me on this. Oh well. Frown.
9/28/2004 6:04 PM
try this:
14 |
var pending = null;
var timer = null;
function showMenuDelayed(menuName) {
pending = menuName;
timer = window.setTimeout("ypSlideOutMenu.showMenu('" + menuName + "')", 200);
function hideMenuDelayed(menuName) {
if (pending == menuName) {
And you would use it like this:
3 |
<a href="monkey.html" onmouseover="showMenuDelayed('monkey')" onmouseout="hideMenuDelayed('monkey')">
check out my awesome colection of monkeys!
10/8/2004 1:48 PM
still wondering if anybody has an example of image buttons being used
that stay highlighted when you roll off of them into the sub menu items?
any help appreciated :)
nimmot - baseboard.net
10/12/2004 7:41 PM
I'm having a problem with the menu not opening smoothly on some
machines - it stutters and opens haltingly. This is on an AMD 1.6Ghz /
512Kb RAM machine, whereas on a P4 1.5Ghz / 1Gb RAM and a P4 3Ghz 512Kb
RAM machine, its absolutely fine and smooth.
I'm using:
ypSlideOutMenu.aniLen = 500
ypSlideOutMenu.hideDelay = 400
has anybody else experienced this erratic behaviour? Any ideas?
10/12/2004 8:24 PM
I doubt it has to do with the machine's specs - rather, that something
else is running on it which is consuming CPU at the same time.
Check out the task manager.
10/13/2004 8:16 AM
I have our menus distributed horizontally across the top of our site.
On the first page load the menus display properly. However, after a
postback the menus display down the left side of the browser. Between
the parent menu bar and the content of the page, there is a large area
of blank space with no content/html.
I have also noticed this behavior on ASP pages if the user is on a slow connection.
Has anyone noticed this behavior? What is a workaround for either/both conditions (postback/slow connection)?
Chuck - www.edgemediadesign.com
10/13/2004 4:21 PM
I figured part of it out. When Smart Navigation is turned on in the
web.config or on the page it causes the layout problem. Now I'm off to
try and get it to work with smartnavigation.
Chuck - www.edgemediadesign.com
10/18/2004 11:57 AM
Does anybody know what could be causing the dropdown in the screenshot to be cutoff in NS7?
http://www.web-g.com/metatechno/css.jpgIt works fine in Safari, Firefox, and IE for Mac, but looks like crap on IE6 for windows.
am I doing wrong? I suspect that I am using incorrect CSS somewhere.
BTW, I am using the relative method for placing the menus.
http://www.web-g.com/metatechno/product2.htmlThanks for the script.
10/19/2004 1:51 PM
My skills are not yet js enabled but i'm trying. I've got a DWMX site
I'd like to implement your sliding menus. I'm not sure which steps to
take -
-do I copy your code into my page header and save the script file in my site root?
-how do I ad links to the menu items?
-do I download the css file and save it to my site root?
-I just need a little direction on how to proceed -thx in advance for help.
10/20/2004 2:32 PM
I am trying to hook these menu's to dreamweaver rollovers. I can't seem
to get them to work, is there any documentation on how to do this?
Jwebby - http://www.eplanethostng.com/newsite-1
10/20/2004 2:35 PM
Will the program allow me to display menus either in the adjacent frame or accross the frame border?
10/21/2004 5:55 AM
There are zillions of scripts, but this one is very very good. Congratulations.
traying to implement this script and is working just fine, but i need
menu my menu open by default. There is only one menu (menu1)
1 |
new ypSlideOutMenu("menu1", "up", 0, 170, 720, 240)
I tried
1 |
<BODY onLoad="ypSlideOutMenu("menu1", "up", 0, 170, 720, 240)" </BODY>
but only works if page is refreshed (F5). How can we do this?
Thank you
Isac (Portugal)
10/21/2004 6:38 AM
The solution was founded above, but the code is incorrect ;-)
s.showMenu(\'menu97\')', 200)"
drop the
s letter should be
onload="window.setTimeout('ypSlideOutMenu.showMenu(\'menu97\')', 200)"
10/25/2004 5:30 AM
The website I'm working on is nearly finished. Yesterday I checked it out on a Mac with IE.
2 problems :
the rollout and rollin effects only appear when the cursor leaves the
sensitive zone (a td), and nothing happens when it enters it.
- the
positionning of the menus (relative) doesn't render acurately, I have
no clue why, and it seems to happen at random, since these to urls with
the same code appear differently:
http://users.skynet.be/am252629/oa/fr/architectes/index.htmhttp://users.skynet.be/am252629/oa/fr/ordre/index.htmIt looks fine on Win IE and Netscape though.
Has anyone encountered or fixed one of these problems ?
Any help greatly appreciated.
10/26/2004 11:14 PM
Ironically, the solution I posted a while back about positioning, works
for absolute positioned layouts, but does not work for relative/auto
centered CSS layouts.
Any suggestions out there? I've got it to work on IE WIN & Safari, but not in Mozilla or Firefox.
I need to use some Javascript to detect the browser and feed it
different menu coordinates.. unless there's an issue with my css or
vibe9 - www.wbsnowboardtraining.com/menuf.html
10/27/2004 12:13 AM
Try setting all your margins to zero using both CSS, and also the old fashioned way: in the body tag.
This should solve your absolute positioning problem.
DgrMstr - www.RedSeven3.com
10/27/2004 12:45 AM
I don't see anyone else complaining about errors, but I was getting
hidden javascript errors on IE, from people who had configured their
browser to alert them of errors on pages.
seldom do anything in Javascript, but did find a reference to a change
in the way arrays were handled, and hacked the menu statement to the
following. Seems to work ok, but I am confused why I had to do it.
Also, when the menu item has not sub items it would be nice to to have
a left over box showing, and not sure how to do this.
Here is what I changed it to:
var menus = new Array(7)
menus[1] = new ypSlideOutMenu("menu1", "right", 140, 140, 180, 200)
menus[2] = new ypSlideOutMenu("menu2", "right", 140, 152, 180, 250)
menus[3] = new ypSlideOutMenu("menu3", "right", 140, 174, 180, 200)
menus[4] = new ypSlideOutMenu("menu4", "right", 140, 191, 180, 200)
menus[5] = new ypSlideOutMenu("menu5", "right", 140, 208, 180, 200)
menus[6] = new ypSlideOutMenu("menu6", "right", 140, 225, 180, 200)
for (var i = 1; i < menus.length; i++) {
menus[i].onactivate = new Function("document.getElementById('act" + i + "').className='active';");
menus[i].ondeactivate = new Function("document.getElementById('act" + i + "').className='';");
Soul Orb - http://www.linuxhackers.ca/
10/27/2004 9:00 AM
No success - FireFox still won't auto centre the menu. Any other suggestions? Or am I missing something?
vibe9 - www.wbsnowboardtraining.com/menuf.html
10/27/2004 9:39 AM
here are acouple of functions that will hide the form selects when you
pass over an anctive yp menu, just remember to call the functions
onMouseOver and onMouseOut
function show() {
var selNodes = document.getElementsByTagName('select')
var i=0;
if (!selNodes.item(0)) {
return false;
} else {
do{selNodes.item(i).style.visibility = 'hidden';}
while(++i < selNodes.length);
function hide() {
var selNodes = document.getElementsByTagName('select')
var i=0;
if (!selNodes.item(0))
return false;
do{selNodes.item(i).style.visibility = 'visible';}
while(++i < selNodes.length);
ash - www.etchell.co.uk
10/27/2004 1:22 PM
Huh, that's odd. Well I do have one other suggestion that certainly
worked for me - even on FireFox; however, it requires a server-side
language (PHP, Cold Fusion, etc...), and a javascript browser detection
script. I'll email it to you if you want.
DgrMstr - www.RedSeven3.com
11/2/2004 2:58 PM
I am trying to add a border to the drop down menu. I am only getting a top and left border when using a strict DTD such as...
[code]<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
I add the border to the ypSlideOutMenusC.js file, I end up with
duplicate borders along the top and left, even when specifying to
borders in the page's CSS.
11/8/2004 11:40 PM
I’m having a few problems with IE6 and the youngpup menu,
the moment the menu sits perfectly in the right spot in Mozilla
Firebird 0.6.1, Firefox 1.0 and Netscape 7.1 (all on pc, at the moment
I don’t have a mac to test on) but soon as IE gets its hands on it, the
placement goes out the window and this is by at least 100px or so.
The sites address is
http://www.avlifts.com.au/cart/I hope there’s a quick answer to this one as its been driving me mad.
11/9/2004 6:41 AM
I see a lot of people has had problems with the menu positioning. So do I!
We are using a CMS (Jahia) that has include the slide out menus so I'm not completely mastering the code yet.
In IE/win the menus show up a little bit to far down and to far left.
In Moz/win all the menus show up in the same spot.
tried to use CSS to position my elements and some of them just floats,
no position: relative or anything. Could this be a problem?
The site is at
11/9/2004 2:40 PM
This problem has to do with margins on the body and/or html elements. Make sure that you set them explicitly.
3 |
body, html {
Dave, I took at look at your site and I have to admit I don't
see what could be causing it right off. It seems like either the width
of the window is getting calculated incorrectly in IE, or the menu's
positions are being influenced by their container.
The container theory could only be true if the container was absolutely positioned, and I don't see that.
never seen the window width getting calculated wrong, but I guess it
could be caused by the doctype switch you are using (you are using IE6
strict mode there, right?). Try changing the line which calculates the
width for IE to use document.documentElement.offsetWidth instead of
That's the only thing I can think of, sorry. Please post when you figure it out.
11/10/2004 5:56 PM
Hey guys. I'm currently doing a site here:
can get the menus to work fine in Firefox, but not in Internet
Explorer. Could you please have a look and tell me what I'm doing
Torm3nt - http://morrisons.juicecreative.com.au
11/15/2004 4:32 PM
Friends of mine, who have Mozilla/Firefox as their browser can't see the menubar. Now is my question, what can I do about it?
Laiky - www.bananarama.nl
11/15/2004 5:40 PM
Hi there ...
have had no problems with the menus in firefox ... however, they do not
retract slowly like they do in MSIE ... in FireFox ... as soon as you
mouseOut, the drop-menu dissappears.
any ideas?
11/16/2004 9:14 AM
Hi all!
Sorry if u feel this is off topic. Just want to make sure I'm doing this right cause I don't quite get it to work.
My page is like this (simplified):
27 |
<body> <div id="bulk"> <div id="leftSide"> <div id="logo"> </div> </div><!--leftSide-->
<div id="rightSide"> <div id="header"> <div id="menus">
<div class="quicklinkmenu"></div>
<div id="mainmenu">
<div class="mainmenurel">
<div id="menu1" class="topmenublue" style="position:relative;"><a href="/jahia/Jahia/cache/off/pid/3" onmouseover="ypSlideOutMenu.showMenu('menu1');" onmouseout="ypSlideOutMenu.hideMenu('menu1');" title="Om oss">Om oss</a></div>
<div class="mainmenurel">
<div id="menu2" class="topmenublue" style="position:relative;"><a href="/jahia/Jahia/cache/off/pid/5" onmouseover="ypSlideOutMenu.showMenu('menu2');" onmouseout="ypSlideOutMenu.hideMenu('menu2');" title="Djurskyddsarbete">Djurskyddsarbete</a></div>
<script language="javascript" type="text/JavaScript"><!--new ypSlideOutMenu("menu1", "down", getX('menu1'), getY('menu1'), 120, 200);
new ypSlideOutMenu("menu2", "down", getX('menu2'), getY('menu2'), 132, 100);--></script>
<div id="menu1Container"><div id="menu1Content" class="menublue">
<div class="optionsblue">
<a href="/jahia/Jahia/cache/off/pid/55">Kontakta oss</a>
<a href="/jahia/Jahia/cache/off/pid/41">Organisation</a>
</div> </div>
<div id="menu2Container"> <div id="menu2Content" class="menublue">
<div class="optionsblue">
<a href="/jahia/Jahia/cache/off/pid/46">Vem gör vad</a>
<a href="/jahia/Jahia/cache/off/pid/47">Tillsynsstatistik</a>
</div> </div>
Does this seem to be right?
The CSS is
23 |
body, html {margin: 0px;padding: 0px;background-color: <%=backcolor1%>;}
#header{position: relative; top: 5px; z-index: 5; margin: 0 0 0 -20px; }
#bulk { white-space: no-wrap; position: relative;}
#menus { position: relative; z-index: 5; margin: 0;padding: 1px 0 2px 0; }
/*IE/Win fixes \*/
* html #menus {height: 1%;}
/*End hide from IE/mac*/
#leftSide { position: relative; display: inline; float:left; width: 171px; margin: 0px;}
#rightSide{ position: relative; width: auto; margin: 0 0 0 171px;}
/*IE/Win fixes, hide from IE/mac\*/
* html #rightSide { position: absolute; margin-left: 0; left: 0px; top: 0; z-index: 0;}
/*Hide over*/
.quicklinkmenu { position: relative; height: 34px; vertical-align: middle; padding: 0px 0px 0px 11px; left: 0px; top: 0px;}
/*IE/Win fixes, hide from IE/mac\*/
* html .quicklinkmenu { height: 1%;}
/*Hide over*/
.topmenublue {position: relative; }
.topmenublue a { display: inline;float: left; height: 21px; padding: 5px 9px 0px 7px; white-space: nowrap; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; }
#mainmenu { position: relative; height: 26px; vertical-align: middle; padding: 0px 10px 0px 0px; left: 0px; top: 1px;}
/*IE/Win fixes \*/
* html #mainmenu { padding-left: 21px;}
/*End hide from IE/mac*/
.mainmenurel { position: relative;}
So the only thing that differs between IE (where it works) and
Mozilla is the "#rightSide" block. Absolute <-> relative
Thanks for any help.
P.S. Sorry for the long post. D.S.
11/17/2004 11:20 AM
Where do you set the color of the menus in this? I'm not very good with javascript.
11/18/2004 6:16 PM
I designed a nice little bar from the CSS Centered example. And, while alone, it looks
quite seksi, but when I add it to my page, it becomes
b0rked. =( Would anyone be willing to check out what's going on and tell me what to change? I would be quite thankful. =D
Neko~ - http://kittyanarchy.net/
11/19/2004 6:47 AM
aaron I have had issues with this and the samples downloaded.. I.E. is
buggin me at the minute with the downloaded samples about Active
X..blah blah
Paul Anthony - http://www.netramedia.com
11/19/2004 3:12 PM
hacked Dreamweavers mouseover function to change my buttons (swap
image) and trigger the menu slideouts. However, the buttons restore to
their original state on mouseout of the button. I would like them to
stay on until mouseout of the menu or until mouseover on a different
button. Any help on how to achieve this would be appreciated.
rekna - http://www.ankerdd.com
11/23/2004 9:04 AM
I tried everything I could but the menu doesn't seem to work properly on Mac IE.
The cell launching the menu doesn't react as it should.
Here's the site :
http://www.ordredesarchitectes.be/fr/architectes/index.htmAm I missing anything ?
Can anyone help ?
11/24/2004 6:00 AM
Wow, ypSlideOutMenusC script is way cool!
interests me is how I can make it do the same thing with the window
height as with the width (calculate center of the window etc)?
my web page is quite simple - it contains one big single-cell table (
<width="100%" height="100%"> <td align="center"
valign="middle"> ...).
The main menu with ypSlideOutMenusC
script is actually a smaller table within the big one, centered
horizontally and vertically for every window size.
Anyway, my slide out menus are placed correctly horizontally but not vertically.
Is there a way of solving this problem?
I'm not a programmer and I would really appreciate any piece of advice (not to mention code). :)
Thanks and keep up the good work!
11/26/2004 4:43 PM
Okay, first a big thank to youngpup... great work on your scripts.
problem was already discussed in an earlier comment, but it didn't
resolve it. It work on my windows machine fine, but fails terribly on
my Linux system (both...firefox and mozilla) - It still displays flash
over the menu layers and i tried now a lot. However, I found a site,
which is:
http://www.cityofpetal.com/jax/index.htmThere the DHTML render fine over the flash thingy....but how?
The site i am working on is:
http://heimatspiel.hochlager.chAnyone knows anything about this issue? Is there a "ypSlideOutMenus" site with flash (and which renders over flash?)
Rocketeer - http://www.hochlager.ch
11/26/2004 6:25 PM
You need you add this param to your flash object definition:
<param name="wmode" value="transparent">
and this code to your <embed> tag: wmode="transparent" style="z-index: 0;"
That shoud solve your problem.
DaggerMaster - www.RedSeven3.com
11/28/2004 10:46 PM
simply put ... leftMargin=0 topMargin=0 ... in the body tag...
will align IE tight to the margins... I know this is not compatible
with Nav, but it is not an issue as Nav will simply over look it...
that should bring IE in to alignment with all other browsers...
11/29/2004 12:20 AM
SO far I am liking this, but I don't want to clutter my index with the
CSS, and would like to place the CSS in a seperate file called
"ypSlideOutMenusC.css". I am using the CSS version of this mentioned
http://www.youngpup.net/2001/ypslideoutmenus/project?folder=cssThanks for the help on this!
AdamStac - www.adamstac.com
11/29/2004 12:22 AM
Just noticed that my menu works perfectly cross browser no problems,
except the site it is meant for are currently using PHP and doctype
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "
http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xml:lang="en" lang="en" xmlns="
http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">the menus only seem to work with
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
it goes completely haywire in Netscape with the first doctype..
any advice or help or ideas ?
12/8/2004 9:04 AM
I had some problems making a navigation system based on
son of a suckerfish and the youngpup slideoutmenu.
problem was that EI insisted on rendering the test from the
slideoutmenu transparently on top of the suckerfish menu - making the
text unreadable.
To work around this i had to set the EI only css property:
overflow-x:hidden; in the suckerfish menu.
This worked great in IE5 - but no-go in IE6 - until i deleted the doctype - voila - sucess!
found another thing. Every time the menu displayed, EI6 (not EI5)
requested the slideout-menu´s bagground image (set as a css property)
from the server. I had to remove the bagground image from the menu -
You can view the result of my efforts here
Miller K
12/8/2004 12:15 PM
:) I agree. The browser differences and incompatabilities eat up a
tremendous amount of my time. Ugh!!! What's a developer to do? Maybe we
should all just switch over to flash. At least we know our sites will
look the same no matter what browser is being used. All in favor say,
Note to: Microsoft, Netscape, Mozilla, Firefox, et al.
off your butts and agree on browser logic that displays and behaves the
same no matter what. We're sick to death of your nit-picking and
DaggerMaster - www.RedSeven3.com
12/13/2004 7:41 PM
having a problem with the div tags that contain the slide out menu
pushing the DIV tags below it down the page in IE. Also for some reason
when I link to the JS for the menu, it chops half the page off (again
in IE only). The drop down is under the thing on the top right called
Here is the URL:
http://ninemilestudio.com/drkibblewhite/...and the CSS:
#shortcuts {
width: 138px;
font-size: 10px;
float: right;
.menu {
.dropDown a:link, .dropDown a:visited, .dropDown a:active {
display: block;
width: 132px;
line-height: 20px;
text-decoration: none;
padding-left: 6px;
border-bottom: 1px solid #AAAAAA;
.dropDown a:hover {
background: #A6B7A4;
color: #FFFFFF;
text-decoration: none;
Your help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Stephen - www.ninemilestudio.com
12/13/2004 11:31 PM
OK I figured out one of my problems, but one remains. For some reason
when I insert the js for the menu, IE will only display half the page
in the browser. Really weird.
Has anyone seen this before? Not sure it's the js, some new IE setting....
Stephen - ww.ninemilestudio.com
12/14/2004 6:28 PM
seems a few of us are going cross eyed over this. i'm assuming bad
style sheeting is to blame, but what part? if anyone has found the
reason firefox appends a few extra pixels to menus, please please
please post how you have fixed it. please. thank you.
matt510 - http://www.v921.net
12/24/2004 1:00 PM
I'm on a bandwidth saving crusade at the moment and I have a couple of questions.
Am I right in thinking that as long as a .css or .js hasn't changed the
cached version will be used on the client side, preventing the need for
a duplicate download?
2) If the above it true, is there a way of
placing my menu in a seperate file to the dynamic content of the html?
If my menu div's aren't changing I was wondering if there was a way of
seperating them from the rest of the page and saving users a load of
duplicated bandwidth.
I know we are only talking about a few Kb
but it a really builds up quick and a 10% saving on bandwidth means 10%
more concurrent users.
Thanks in advance (and Merry Xmas)
Graham Orford
12/24/2004 1:26 PM
Typically, your point about the cacheing is correct, though this
depends on an incredibly varied number of factors including client,
proxy, and server configuration. Usually, yes, the client will use the
cached version of the js and css unless they have changed. Some popular
browsers even cache them longer and you have to "force" reload them,
hence designers constantly says "clear cache to see recent changes".
far as splitting out the menu HTML it would be pretty difficult. The
only real way you could manage it is to put it into a separate
javascript file and document.write( ) it into the page, eg:
document.writeln('<div id="myContainer><div id='myContent'>...');
you'd really need to measure whether this is better or worse for your
clients. I know for instance, at Google, that we usually try to do at
most one external file per page, sometimes none, even if that means
duplicating some code in the original page.
The reason why is
that even when a page is cached, a conformant browser must ask the
server if it has changed. The conversation goes something like this
(for each linked file):
Browser: I have ypSlideOutMenusC.js, dated 4/1/2001. Do you have a newer one?
Server: nope. use the one you have.
Browser: I have createMenuContent.js, dated 12/23/2004. Do you have a newer one?
Server: ah, yes, here it is. Please use this one.
... and so on ...
cost of that call asking if there is a newer version is often much more
expensive on typical users' computers than the cost of just sending
whatever the contents were with the original request. This is
compounded by the fact that for javascript files, the browser must
pause rendering and wait for the response to be returned (because the
script might document.write() into the output).
So basically,
the only way to know is to measure it. But for something as small as 2
or 3 k of menu html my guess is that it would not be worth the extra
Hope this helps!
12/24/2004 3:35 PM
I just realized that you were asking specifically about bandwidth, not speed.
you put the menu code into a javascript file as I mentioned above, you
probably *will* save bandwidth, even if it's slower for the user. It
depends on what your priorities are, I suppose.
anyway. Merry christmas :)
12/29/2004 10:49 AM
Only one out of 8 headlines has submenus.
What part of the code can i get rid of without messing up the rest?
Example of code i dont want:
<div id="menu4Container">
<div id="menu4Content" class="menu">
<!-- <div class="options">
<a href="">Ipanema Sitebuilder</a>
<a href="">Ipanema Sitebuilder</a>
</div> -->
<div id="menu5Container">
<div id="menu5Content" class="menu">
<!-- <div class="options">
<a href="">Ipanema Sitebuilder</a>
<a href="">Ipanema Sitebuilder</a>
<a href="">Ipanema Sitebuilder</a>
<a href="">Ipanema Sitebuilder</a>
<a href="">Ipanema Sitebuilder</a>
</div> -->
Ipanema - www.ipanema.nu
1/5/2005 2:37 PM
Boogs! Killer script man I love it. You're truly a DHTML fiend.
I have run into some problems as of late. It completely quit working for my IE6.
http://www.proheatinc.com/products/heaters/band/starflexdivs.htmlNotice the menuness in Firefox. Everything appears to be in place, any ideas?
Sparky - http://www.proheatinc.com/products/heaters/band/starflexdivs.html
1/18/2005 2:29 PM
I'm using the slide out menus and they are great. I'm having a problem
of the postioning javascript file generating a javascript error in a
browser. The particular line of code is this:
for (var i = 0; i < menus.length; i++) {
error says menus is undefined. Anybody know how I can fix this? I'm not
a programmer so I don't have any idea where to start. The entire
postioning file is as follows:
new ypSlideOutMenu("menu1", "down", 404, 124, 200, 105),
new ypSlideOutMenu("menu2", "down", 466, 124, 200, 115),
new ypSlideOutMenu("menu3", "down", 539, 124, 200, 115),
new ypSlideOutMenu("menu4", "down", 609, 124, 200, 115),
new ypSlideOutMenu("menu5", "down", 709, 124, 200, 115)
for (var i = 0; i < menus.length; i++) {
menus[i].onactivate = new Function("document.getElementById('act" + i + "').className='active';");
menus[i].ondeactivate = new Function("document.getElementById('act" + i + "').className='';");
1/21/2005 6:05 PM
How can I keep the menuActuator text highlighted while mousing over the various menu items?
1/27/2005 10:41 AM
Has this project been abandoned? Is anyone assisting anymore?
1/27/2005 12:13 PM
I think we are on our own regarding the slide out menus. Fortunately I
was able to solve my problem myself. As far as your issue goes, you can
use css on a:hover to highlight the trigger. If you have problems,
email me. Maybe I can help.
1/27/2005 12:57 PM
Connie, you can solve this problem by highlighting and dehighlighting using hte onactivate/ondeactivate functions.
this demo for an example.
1/27/2005 1:25 PM
There are quite a lot of us out here who love to help. Please be
patient, however, as, for me personally, I do a lot of traveling for
work. Sometimes I go for a week without checking for new entries.
DgrMstr - www.redseven3.com
1/27/2005 1:44 PM
I've finally worked through all of the various issues and have a
working solution. The only problem remaining, is actually an IE issue.
My current solution of hiding and showing form elements under the menu
works but is clunky especially if someone mouses over quickly. A timing
misfire will cause the drop downs to appear anyway.
1/27/2005 7:36 PM
Hi there, new page designer here, trying to implement my first scripts
onto my page. I was wondering if there was a way to get Transmenus
arranged vertically (say, just for kicks, down the left side of the
page)? Is it a simple change of the table position tag?
Thanks for the great script youngpup.